Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I live on the 4th floor of an apartment building, and I can hear like, 8000 cats outside my window, all meowing/dying at once, and it happens every night, at the same time.... although, when I look out the window, I can't see them.

So either, my street is a common place cats collaborate to die, or there's a massive cat orgy going on outside right now.


  1. Haha! Are the cats wearing gold chains & listening to Marvin Gaye?

  2. I found through your comment on Marinka's blog.

    I'm going with cat orgy

  3. Update: Their still coming back every night.

    PS: will try to post more often, but my semester has started, and between work, and school, I'm too friggen tired at night to even try. New post coming soon!... (aimed at the 1-2 readers I must have by now)

    And yes, I'm going with orgy as well.

  4. Came by from Marinka's, and it was worth the trip!

  5. Yeah - I'm thinking the cats are havin' a swingin' party. Maybe you could get a coupla big dogs and take care of that problem...

  6. How long has this orgy been going on? Shouldn't they get food delivered or something?

  7. Its still happening....around 2am, every night.
    Its not like im checking every night at 2am, its that they wake me up, those cat bastards!

    As for the food delivery, theres a chinese joint up the road.. thats about it, and im sure that, like us humans, cats don't like cannibalism. lmao
