Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Im trying out this mail to bloggy thinher from my cell phone.

Its pretty convenient.... im laying in my bed, a whole 5 feet away
from my laptop, over at my desk, and I can still post to my blog...
Sometimes I feel that god created the qwerty keypad on cell phones
just for me.

Some of you,im sure, are saying to yourself at this very moment, but
James, wouldnt it just be much easier for you to bring your laptop
over to your bed, since you just mentioned having one?
Well the answer is no..... No for two reasons. Reason number 1... that
requires effort, what with the moving of cords, and myself, and
such.... and 2.... because i have a shitty 3 year old Dell Inspiron
1200, and the battery might as well be non existant, because it wont
hold a charge longer than 30 seconds once i unplug it.
The plug itself, is also broken, and wrapped in electrical tape from
the many times ive had to sauder and fix it. It takes a good hour once
you move it, to wiggle it to the right spot.... in the end i just
fail, it loses its charge and hibernates.s immediately...... which is
a huge pain in my ass.

Geez, now my thumbs are sore.... i need a new computer.

Sent from my mobile device

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